20 Years On


Please note this blog contains content some may find distressing.

Today marks 20 years since the tragic events of the Bali Bombings, which took place on October 12th, 2002. This attack killed 202 people, 88 of whom were Australians, and left another 209 people injured.

The Sari Club and Paddy’s Bar were the Bali venues where suicide bombers detonated bombs during this terror attack. Eventually, more than 30 people were arrested for their involvement in this attack.

Today, 20 years on, Australians remember those who died in this attack and give all their support to the survivors who still carry the feeling of fear, trauma, and even guilt.

They took many lives, but they failed on their mission. October 12, 2022, was also a day of great heroism. Of selfless acts of courage. Of remarkable emergency response. What was a terrible day of shared grief for Indonesia and Australia became a day of great shared resolve. – Chris Evans.

In unit 27 of the Secondary resource, Christian Approach to Loss, we have a multimedia activity regarding the Bali Bombings. You can find this in Secondary 27-01-07.

A detailed report including accounts from the Bali Bombing survivors can be read here.

A 3-episode recount of the events from the AFP perspective can be read or listened to here.


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