“Walk by faith, not by sight.”


This verse comes from 2 Corinthians 5:7. In this case, to ‘walk’ means to ‘live’. In other translations, the verse reads ‘Live by faith.’ So what does it mean to live, or to walk by faith, not by sight?

Ultimately, in this verse, Paul is saying to the Corinthians that as followers of Christ, we should live our life for Christ, rather than a life with Christ in it. Everyone lives a life with Christ in it. Everyone just views him in many ways, some in a negative way. But he is still in the life of non-Christians. His around them in people they meet, in buildings they pass, and in people’s words and actions they encounter. They just choose not to live their life for Christ.

Christians, on the other hand, live their life for Christ. They seek to have Christ-like qualities, they never see a need without doing something about it, and they use the written scriptures as blueprints for their own lives. That is what it means to walk by faith.

So how do we ‘walk by faith’? (The points below have been paraphrased from christianity.com.)

  1. Surrender – Leave room for God’s transformative power to shape our lives. We can’t cling to our own desires, dreams, and goals, and not leave room for his to compliment them.
  2. Refocus – Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Sometimes our circumstances of life consume us if we are fixated on them too closely. We need to have trust that just as he controls the winds and the waves, he will also control the hills and valleys of our lives.
  3. Stand on God’s promises – The Bible is full of promises. If we apply these promises to our day-to-day lives, our faith will be further strengthened.


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