July 2024 Updates


Welcome back to Term 3! The team here at Understanding Faith kept busy over the school holidays to bring you some new updates across the primary and secondary resource. Please see below the inclusions for this latest update. Keep your eyes out for our upcoming webinar, which will highlight parts of this update.

– A new clean and elegant look with a clear background and a full-width homepage
– A new bottom banner available across all pages of the resource contains the following helpful links:

  • All Units – see all units when you are in any unit of the resource. Filter the units by name such as “Wholeness and Healing”, by theme such as “Sacraments”, by package such as “Studies of Religion”
  • Scripture Search – search for a particular scripture passage within the full resource. Use the helpful tips to help you narrow down your search using the filters
  • Multimedia Search – search for a particular multimedia activity within the full resource such as music, video, youtube, slideshow, interactive activity etc
  • Understanding Faith Free Resources – access the free resource link on our Understanding Faith website. This is also where you can find links to our social media pages
  • Acknowledgements – see who is involved in Understanding Faith from our writers to our designers and other contributors
  • License – update yourself on our licensing and copyrights agreement between the user and Understanding Faith



– Full updates to Units 48-51
– Updates and enhancements to many interactive activities and images
– Conversion and update of many slideshows
– Full updates to Units 44-46
– Updates and enhancements to many interactive activities and images
– Conversion and update of many slideshows
– Addition of Teacher “Unpacking the Scriptures” Exegesis for Units 27-39, 50
– Adjustments to Units 1-17 to simplify the language for the reading age
– 46x new videos
– 23x new newspapers

ABC Makers of Modern Australia – Leaders
ABC Behind the News – Changing Cyber Laws
ABC Behind the News High – Is it Wrong to Modernise Books?
ABC Compass – The Nun in the Cage

The Catholic Weekly – Preparing Mary to trust God
The Catholic Weekly – We were there at the Nativity
The Catholic Weekly – Next Generation finds its authentic Catholic voice
The Catholic Weekly – From Olympic hopeful to Sister of Life

PLEASE NOTE: YOU MAY NEED TO CLEAR YOUR CACHE IF YOU CANNOT SEE THE CHANGES! To clear your cache, you can typically find an option within your web browser’s settings or preferences, usually under the “Clear History” options, or press Ctrl + Shift + Delete in your browser on Windows, or Command + Shift + Delete in your browser on Mac. From this new screen, you can select or deselect what is needed to be cleared.

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The July 2024 update is now LIVE - please clear your cache if you cannot see the changes