Pope Francis announces 10 new Saints

On Sunday the 15th of May, Pope Francis recognised 10 new Saints into the Catholic Church. This was the first canonization since 2019 where John Henry Newman among others were canonized.

“To serve the Gospel and our brothers and sisters, to offer our lives without expecting anything in return, or any wordly glory: this is our calling. That was how our fellow travellers canonized today lived their lives.” – Pope Francis

Each of these Saints lived a life of faith and devoted their lives to the Gospel. We encourage all of you to research a little more about these saints, to learn more about them and their journey to sainthood.

These 10 new Saints are:

  1. Devasahayam Pillai
  2. Cesar de Bus
  3. Luigi Maria Palazzolo
  4. Giustino Maria Russolillo
  5. Charles de Foucauld
  6. Anna Maria Rubatto
  7. Maria Domenica Mantovani
  8. Titus Bradsma
  9. Marie Rivier
  10. Carolina Santocanale

“It is good to see that, with their evangelical witness, these saints have fostered the spiritual and social growth of their respective nations and also of the entire human family. And now, let us turn to the virgin Mary, so that she may have us joyfully imitate the example of the new Saints.” – Pope Francis

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