The Feast of Christ the King

The Feast of Christ the King, celebrated on the last Sunday of Ordinary Time, this year being Sunday 21st November, serves to remind us of his love. We are urged not to lose our perspective. Through the power of love, we can effect change in our world and continue to create a life filled with forgiveness and mercy in a world where justice and peace reign supreme.

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, commonly referred to as the Feast of Christ the King, Christ the King Sunday or Reign of Christ Sunday, is a relatively recent addition to the Western liturgical calendar, instituted in 1925 by Pope Pius XI for the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church.

In 1970 its Roman Rite observance was moved to the final Sunday of Ordinary Time. The earliest date on which it can occur is 20 November and the latest is 26 November.

The Feast of Christ the King establishes the titles for Christ’s royalty over humankind;

  1. Christ is God, the Creator of the universe who has power over all things
  2. Christ is our Redeemer, we are saved by his precious blood
  3. Christ is the Head of the Church
  4. God bestowed upon Christ the nations of the world as his possession and dominion

The Feast of Christ the King also describes the qualities of Christ’s kingdom;

  1. God’s Kingdom is supreme, extending to all people
  2. God’s Kingdom is universal, extending to all places and nations
  3. God’s Kingdom is Eternal, it shall be forever
  4. God’s Kingdom is spiritual, it is not of this world

For resources on teaching about the Feast of Christ the King, head to Understanding Faith.


Title 32 Preparing For and Celebrating Christmas Part 1 Page 2

Title 37 Celebrating the Paschal Mystery through Liturgy Part 3 Page 5

Title 37 Celebrating the Paschal Mystery through Liturgy Part 3 Page 13

Title 53 Encountering God Through Liturgy Part 1 Page 9

Title 55 Celebrating Lent and Easter Part 1 Page 2


Title 0 Introduction to the Catholic Faith Part 8 Page 1

Title 3 Celebrating the Liturgical Cycle Part 4 Page 1

Title 3 Celebrating the Liturgical Cycle Part 4 Page 10

Title 6 In Search of An Australian Identity Part 6 Page 4

Title 38 Jesus – Face of God Part 3 Page 5

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