There aren’t many saints in the Catholic Church who we’ve seen pictures or artworks of wearing jeans and sneakers. Carlo Acutis could very well be the first. Born in 1991, Carlo will be the first millennial to be recognised as a saint in the Catholic Church.
National Sorry Day & Reconciliation Week
May 26th is a day to remember and acknowledge the mistreatment of First Nations people, who were forcefully removed from their homes and their families, as part of The Stolen Generations. We call this day National Sorry Day, to reflect on how we can all contribute to the healing process for our nation.
Continue reading →Survey Response Summary
It’s that time of year again, to summarise what we’ve gathered through our annual survey. Thank you to over 150 of our subscribers, who gave us their input this year. If you would like to see who won the $250 Coles gift voucher, check out our latest YouTube video. These annual surveys are not the only time you can provide us with feedback, please feel free to contact us at any point in the year to offer your feedback and suggestions.
World Day of Prayer – 2024 Official Artwork
The World Day of Prayer is an international ecumenical Christian laywomen’s initiative. It is run under the motto “Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action”, and is celebrated annually in over 170 countries on the first Friday in March. The movement aims to bring together women of various races, cultures and traditions in a yearly common Day of Prayer, as well as in closer fellowship, understanding and action throughout the year. (
Updates from August 2023 to January 2024 Release
Welcome to 2024 and welcome back to school!
We hope you all, both students and staff, had a wonderful, relaxing, holiday break. We were busy during your time off completing one of our annual product updates.
Here is the list of latest updates and new inclusions from this update.
Conversion of St. Paul
The Conversion of St Paul is celebrated on January 25th, and is recognised as one of the greatest events of the early Church. This is due to the fact that prior to Paul’s (previously Saul) conversion on the road to Damascus, he had persecuted Christians.
Saint Agnes of Rome
St Agnes, known as the patron saint of young girls, is a virgin martyr of the Catholic Church, as well as the Oriental Orthodox Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, the Anglican Communion, and Lutheran Churches.
The Immaculate Conception
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary is celebrated on the 8th of December. It is believed that Mary was free of original sin from the moment of her conception, which kept her soul immaculate from birth.
All Saints’ & All Souls’ Day
November in the Catholic tradition is a month of remembrance of the dead. To begin this, All Saints’ Day is celebrated on the 1st, and All Souls’ Day on the 2nd. These are not nationally recognised holidays and are no longer holy days of obligation in Australia, but the Church continues to encourage prayers of the faithful for the departed during this time.
BBI National RE Symposium
On October 12th and 13th, Janita, Kim, and Chloe from the Understanding Faith team attended the National RE Symposium at the Dubbo Regional Theatre and Convention Centre. This conference is organised by BBI-TAITE, The Australian Institute of Theological Education, with this year’s theme of ‘Rethinking RE: Context Diversity and Pedagogy’.