The 25th January is the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul. I’m sure we all know the story of Saint Paul. When he was Saul, he was a persecutor of Christians. One day he was off to Damascus (to persecute some more Christians) when he was suddenly blinded by a bright light. This event, and those that followed, resulted in one of the most well known accounts of conversion in the bible and a change in the course of the new Christian Church.
Bushfires Ravage Port Macquarie
Recently, the town of Port Macquarie on the NSW mid north coast has suffered extreme conditions and considerable challenges with the occurrence of several out of control bushfires, which surrounded the town from all sides.
World Teacher’s Day
World Teacher’s Day is being celebrated in Australia on Friday 25th October. This is a day for everyone to recognise the great work that teachers do and show their appreciation for teachers everywhere.
Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year in Jewish tradition. Yom Kippur means ‘Day of Atonement’ and occurs in October – from sunset on October 8, until after nightfall on October 9.
2019 Religious Education Symposium
My colleagues and I were fortunate to attend and be a sponsor at the 2019 Religious Education Symposium in Darling Harbour last week. Attending the symposium allowed us the opportunity to exhibit our product, the Understanding Faith resource, and also to attend keynote presentations and workshops which were both informative and formative.
Father’s Day
In Australia, Father’s Day is the first Sunday in September. Originally, Father’s Day was celebrated on March 19 in honour of Saint Joseph.
The Canonisation of Saint Mary of the Cross
Mary MacKillop was canonised on October 17th, 2010 at Saint Peter’s Basilica, Rome. Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed Mary’s sainthood during a canonisation mass, which was streamed live around the world.
Saint Mary of the Cross
August 8 is the solemnity of St Mary of the Cross (Mary MacKillop). Mary MacKillop is Australia’s first saint. She led a remarkable life in service of others.
Parent Teacher Interviews
At the end of term 2, we usually receive our child’s first yearly report and meeting up with his/her teachers for a quick update on how it’s all going.
Is this a time in your child’s education that you look forward to? Or is a time you dread? Do you think you know what to expect? Has it snuck up on you without warning?
The International Day of Friendship
The International Day of Friendship is an initiative that followed the proposal made by UNESCO and taken up by the United Nations in 1997 as part of the Culture of Peace set of values. The celebration was on July 30th.