The Lord’s Prayer, or the Our Father, is probably one of the best known prayers of our Christian faith. It could also be the most recited prayers in the Christian faith.
Open Your Hearts this Advent
Church Upholds Sanctity of Confession
Studies of Religion Overview
Are you teaching ‘Studies in Catholic Thought’ next year?
Look no further! Understanding Faith has everything you need!
The team at Understanding Faith have put together brand new units with everything you need to start teaching. Check out out release dates below:
Youth Survey Highlights Concerns
In 2017, the Australian Catholic Bishop’s Conference initiated a survey of young people aged 16 to 29 to highlight the concerns of young people.
The survey was the largest ever survey of young Catholics. Archbishop Fisher, the Bishop’s delegate for youth, revealed that over 15 000 young Catholics responded ‘passionately and earnestly’.
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
In 2015, Pope Francis declared September 1 as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.
NSW Catholic Schools Helping Farmers
The Catholic Voice has reported on the action of Catholic Schools across NSW who are helping the drought affected farmers. Schools are helping in a variety of ways, including fee relief, counselling and donations.
Engaging Parents in Sacramental Programs
– Written by Janita Proud
Does My Child Need to Participate in the Sacraments? Many parents, even Catholic ones, ask themselves this question when they send their children off to Catholic Schools. Often they have trouble deciding, because they don’t really even know what a sacrament is, or what sacramental programs entail.