20 Years On


Please note this blog contains content some may find distressing.

Today marks 20 years since the tragic events of the Bali Bombings, which took place on October 12th, 2002. This attack killed 202 people, 88 of whom were Australians, and left another 209 people injured.

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National Safe Work Month


Statistics show that $736 MILLION of workers’ compensation paid was related to mental health conditions in 2018-19, 120,355 serious workers’ compensation claims were made in 2019-2022, and as of last month, 115 Australian deaths were work-related deaths this year alone. October is National Safe Work Month – a time to commit to building a safe and healthy workplace.

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World Teacher’s Day


On the 5th of October we celebrate World Teacher’s Day. Due to sometimes falling within the school holidays, schools may choose to celebrate this day on the last Friday in October. Without teachers, no one would learn how to read and write, complete math equations or write essays. We depend on teachers to perform basic everyday tasks and to extend our knowledge. As teachers mold future generations, it’s important to say, ‘Thank You!’.

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International Day of Peace


International Day of Peace, celebrated on September 21st, is devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. At a time when war and violence often monopolise our new cycles, the International Day of Peace is an inspiring reminder of what we can create together. This is done through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.

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National Child Protection Week


The 4-10th of September is National Child Protection Week. As stated on the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) website, “In 2022, National Child Protection Week will continue to embrace the overarching message that every child, in every community, needs a fair go. ” This week brings awareness and action to what works to keep children safe and supported.

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International Day of Charity


On the 5th of September, we celebrate International Day of Charity, a day chosen in order to commemorate the life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the renowned nun and missionary. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for “work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitute a threat to peace.”

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