Corpus Christi


The Latin words Corpus Christi translates to “Body of Christ”. On the 16th of June we celebrate the Solemnity of the most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Corpus Christi. On this day we acknowledge and celebrate the true presence of Christ within the Eucharist. This is one of the few liturgical celebrations that doesn’t reflect on a specific even from Jesus or Mary’s life, but rather his presence during Mass, through the bread and wine.

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National Blood Donor Week


On the 14th of June, we acknowledge and thank voluntary blood donors, and encourage new donors. Lifeblood, a division of the Australian Red Cross Society, is funded by Australian governments, who provide life-giving blood, plasma, transplantation and biological products for world-leading health outcomes.

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Vinnies CEO Sleepout


Over 116,000 Australians are experiencing homelessness right now. On one of the longest and coldest nights of the year, June 23rd, business owners and community and government leaders are encouraged to ‘sleep rough’ for a night to raise awareness and vital funds for homelessness in Australia.

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Pray for Nigeria

Pray for Nigeria

“Pope Francis has expressed his condolences for the victims of a terror attack on a Catholic Church during Mass in Nigeria’s southwestern Ondo State that killed more than 50 people, including several children.”

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Laudato Si’ Week

Laudato Si’ Week, this year to be held May 22-29, marks the 7th anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical on creation care. This event unites Catholics to listen and respond to the cry of creation and celebrate the process that has so far been made in bringing Laudato Si’ to life.

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National Volunteer Week

Better Together

From the 16th to the 22nd of May, we acknowledge and celebrate National Volunteer’s Week. With this year’s theme of Better Together, this is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteering. It’s a chance for everyone to recognise and thank the vital work of our volunteers.

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International Nurses Day

A Voice to Lead

On Thursday the 12th of May, we celebrate International Nurses Day. A day to acknowledge and celebrate the commitment and bravery of all nurses, world-wide. This year, the theme is ‘Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Invest in Nursing and respect rights to secure global health.’

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