


ANZAC Day is on April 25 and is a national day of remembrance and commemoration. This day remembers all Australians who have served and died in war. The date marks the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps 1915 landing at Gallipolli, Turkey, in World War I.

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Saint Polycarp

St Polycarp

Polycarp was a disciple of Saint John the Evangelist.

As a disciple of John the Evangelist, Polycarp was able to hear firsthand stories about the life of Jesus from the apostles. After the apostles had gone, many heresies sprang up about Jesus’ true teachings and controversy arose about how to worship Christ. Christians were also being persecuted.

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What’s new in Understanding Faith 2021?

What's New

Understanding Faith is an educational ministry of St Agnes’ Parish, Port Macquarie, under the leadership of Parish Priest, Father Paul Gooley.

We are very proud of our unique multimedia resource, which links student content, Church teachings and Scripture, to interactive activities, video excerpts, radio broadcasts, music, newspaper articles, slideshows, and the internet – as well as pedagogically sound and contemporary teaching and learning activities.

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