This year, we celebrate Mother’s Day on Sunday the 8th of May. Mother’s Day is a celebration to honour all aspects of being a Mother. This can include the Mother of a family or individual, any maternal relationship and the influence of Mothers in todays world.
Author: admin
Rail R U OK Day
We all go through life’s challenges. Grief, relationship breakdowns, tough times at work or home. But when our relationships are strong, we can spot the signs that someone may be struggling and reach out with a simple question, “Are you OK?”
Every year on the 25th of April, since 1916, ANZAC Day has been celebrated as a day to commemorate our Australians who lives were lost in Gallipoli. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
Walking in the Spirit
The people of God in Australia are invited to make the prayerful journey towards the Second Assembly of the Plenary Council through the Walking in the Spirit prayer pilgrimage.
Palm Sunday
This year on Sunday the 10th of April, we start the first day of Holy Week, which is historically the most sacred time of year. Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Feedback from UF Survey
At the start of the year, we sent out a survey to our subscribers about our resource. We’ve received all the results and have been going through the feedback, to draw out the most common responses, and to gain some insight where we can continue to improve our product. Here is some feedback developed from the results, from our manager, Jacob.
Pope Francis Calls Upon All Catholics
Pope Francis calls upon all Catholics to join their Parishes to pray the act of consecration of Russia and Ukraine, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Earth Hour
Saturday the 26th at 8:30pm, we switch off our lights for Earth Hour. “But Earth Hour is more than just an hour for Earth – it’s a movement for our own futures, for the benefit of people and planet. And it’s not only a symbol of solidarity – it’s a catalyst for change, harnessing the power of the crowd.”
Feast of Saint Joseph
On the 19th of March we celebrate the Feast of Saint Joseph. Joseph is the patron saint of many things but is more commonly recognised as the patron and protector of the Catholic Church.
What’s New in 2022?
Understanding Faith is an educational ministry of St Agnes’ Parish, Port Macquarie, under the leadership of Parish Priest, Father Paul Gooley.
We are very proud of our unique multimedia resource, which links student content, Church teachings and Scripture, to interactive activities, video excerpts, radio broadcasts, music, newspaper articles, slideshows, and the internet – as well as pedagogically sound and contemporary teaching and learning activities.